Postponed – Creating Space in Classrooms for Translanguaging and Embodied Cultural Literacies – Dr. Rae Si‘ilata
Wed 10th Nov 2021
- Time: 5-9pm
- Venue: The Parnell Hotel & Conference Centre - 20 Gladstone Road, Parnell
- Member: $75
- Non Members: $100
How do we support kaiako to consider how they might create space for the language and literacy resources of emergent bilingual learners within their English literacy teaching programme? This talk will share insights gleaned from the Pasifika Early Literacy Project, where kaiako are supported to create and normalise bilingual learning spaces. Pasifika dual language books are used as catalysts to enact translanguaging pedagogies and to grow learners’ embodied cultural literacies. Teachers’ willingness to share power and to surface and disrupt deficit assumptions supports Pasifika learners to utilise their full linguistic repertoires. As teachers change their beliefs about the centrality of learners’ lived experiences, languages and cultures, their classroom practice changes, and learners are empowered to lead learning, and to share their voices in agentic and culturally located ways.