Nathan Mikaere-Wallis
Wed 31st May 2017
- Time: 7-9pm
- Venue: Bethlehem College Events Centre
- Member: $30 Early Birds $50 Full $20 Students
- Non Members: $30 Early Birds $50 Full $20 Students
Nathan’s presentations explore how the brain works and how neuro- science can better inform our day-to-day interactions with children and young people. Information about the human brain (and how it grows to reach full potential), has exploded into our awareness over the past twenty years. The 1990’s were called the ‘decade of the brain’ and advances in scanning technologies allowed us to understand the workings of the brain like never before, showing us the huge significance of the early years and the critical role this period plays in defining later outcomes. The Teenage Brain has also gone under the microscope and we now understand with greater clarity the link between brain development and ‘the teenage condition’. These new findings often contradict many of the practices that parents, teachers, and other helping professionals have utilised in the belief that they are helping children. Nathan presents the practical implications of this research with a focus on how to use this knowledge to create better outcomes.