NZLA Regional News
Waiariki Literacy Association Calendar of Events 2018
Have a look at the Waiariki Literacy Association planned events for 2018. We have a great variety - and there is something to suit everyone.
Tai Tokerau
TTLA present Women’s Refuge with children’s books
TTLA present Women’s Refuge with children’s books
Trouble Shooting Reading Difficulties/Foundations for Literacy – Joy Allcock
Membership update
Schools can now send 5 staff members to seminars at the reduced member rate.
The Mo Show
Last Thursday (10 August) the CLA provided another great event for years 1-4 students.
Tai Tokerau
Thanks Tai Tokerau Literacy Association For ED Books Donation
Last week the Tai Tokerau Literacy Association (TTLA) generously donated $1000 worth of children's books to Whangarei Hospital's emergency department. ED nurse manager Margaret Dreadon and Northland DHB would like to stress gratitude for the lovely and empowering donation.
2017 ALA Sponsored Teacher Applications
The Auckland Literacy Association offers six sponsorships for members to attend the national NZLA conference, which is being held this year at the Rototuna Junior High School in Hamilton, on Saturday 30 September 2017.
Tai Tokerau
Literacy Trust Awards – Tai Tokerau Literacy Association
The Tai Tokerau Literacy Association would like to invite you to apply for the following Awards to attend the NZLA National Conference.
Literacy Trust Awards – Canterbury Literacy Association
The Canterbury Literacy Association wishes to advertise 9 Awards for teachers to apply to . This is open to teachers across the regions of Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough & West Coast.
Wellington Literacy Association Term 1 2017 Professional Development
Catch up with what the Wellington Literacy Association is doing in Term 1 2017
Learnings from Inspiring the Reading and Writing ai??i?? What is critical for reluctant readers and writers?ai??i?? Dr Murray Gadd
Wow, what an opportunity to be able to listen to someone so passionate and knowledgeable in the field of literacy. Murrayai??i??s presentation was centred around: Inspiring Reading and Writing ai??i?? What is critical for all learners? With a focus, also on the underachieving and reluctant learners.
Tai Tokerau
“Success For All” Seminar Wrap Up Tai Tokerau Literacy Association
TTLA recently organised a very successful mini conference on the theme "Success for All"
Tai Tokerau
TTLA back into the regular flow…
Last year was a massive year for the TTLA with so much of our effort going in to run the national conference, which went incredibly well:) This year we are excited to be finding our local groove again. The desire to serve educators of Northland is close to our heart.…
Tai Tokerau
2016 NZLA 39th Conference Report
On behalf of the NZLA 39th National Conference this is the final report on behalf of the organising committee.
Tai Tokerau
TTLA Presidents Report for 2016
At our AGM the President's report was tabled for 2016