NZLA Regional Events

  • Past Events

  • Auckland
    Tue 16th Mar 2021

    Dr. Murray Gadd Being an Effective Teacher of Writing & AGM

    Dr. Murray Gadd works nationally and internationally as a literacy facilitator, researcher and teacher. For the Ministry of Education, he was one of the writers of "Effective Literacy Practice Years 5 - 8, the English section of the New Zealand Curriculum, and the English Exemplars

  • Tai Tokerau
    Mon 15th Mar 2021

    The Power of Books & AGM

    Come along for afternoon tea to meet Jeannie Skinner National Library guru and winner of the Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award for outstanding service to Literacy.

  • Waikato
    Wed 11th Dec 2019 — Fri 18th Dec 2020

    2020 Calander of Events

    Here is an exciting events calendar put together by our dedicated Waikato Team.

  • Manawatu
    Mon 3rd Feb 2020 — Fri 11th Dec 2020

    MLA 2020 Calendar of Events

    We welcome you back to another busy year for MLA. Here is our latest calendar of events and membership information for 2020. We are awaiting confirmation for a few dates, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page for updates. If you have ever thought about joining our committee,…

  • Hawkes Bay
    Wed 18th Mar 2020 — Fri 11th Dec 2020

    HBLA Events 2020

    We are pleased to be able to offer you high-quality Professional Development in 2020. Keep an eye on your email for registration details closer to the date.

  • Tai Tokerau
    Thu 12th Nov 2020

    Sarah Sharpe – Dyslexia & Neurodiversity

    Grow your understanding in these areas:  What is dyslexia/neurodiversity?  What are practical ways to work with students?  What resources are recommended?