Canterbury Literacy Association

Council Details

Tenā koutou kātoa,

The Canterbury Literacy Association has a long proud history supporting teachers and members in our community with Literacy focused events and opportunities for students. The CLA committee is a group of volunteers passionate about literacy and supporting opportunities for educators connecting with other educators.

Following our successful hosting of the 2019 NZLA conference in Christchurch, the impact of the COVID pandemic resulted in the association’s activities and functions being paused.

With the support of the NZLA executive, 2023 is the year the CLA  will reappear and we have a range of ideas on offer for teachers and educators in the Canterbury region.

Initial points of contact are  Joy Hawke and Scott Wolfe at as the CLA is re-established.

NZLA membership and access to the Forum educational journal will be covered in the  CLA levies. Levies can be at a personal and a school rate.

Ngā mihi nui.

Join Canterbury Literacy Association

Join Canterbury Literacy Association

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  • Past Events

  • Thu 26th Oct 2023

    Read for Joy: Strategies for Connecting Students with Great Books

    Invite lovers of literacy, teachers, librarians and leaders to Read for Joy: Strategies for Connecting Students with Great Books

  • Thu 11th May 2023

    The Poetry Book – Sheena Cameron & Louise Dempsey

    This practical workshop introduces Sheena and Louise’s new book The Poetry Book.

  • Thu 26th Mar 2020

    Supporting & Enhancing Writing with Digital Tools

    Explore ways in which you can effectively utilise digital tools to encourage high levels of creativity and to motivate your students to write

  • Wed 27th Feb 2019

    Canterbury Literacy Association AGM

    Join us for our AGM and then stay on for Book Club at Paper Plus, Bush Inn A great opportunity to discuss books that you have enjoyed during the summer including children’s books. No need to RSVP. Hope to see you there! Contact:

  • Fri 21st Sep 2018

    Poets Make History – The School for Young Writers

    Canterbury Literacy Association is proud to present Poets Make History with poet Gail Ingram. "The School for Young Writers"

  • Thu 10th May 2018

    Reading for Pleasure, Wellbeing & Empowerment

    Kids who read succeed! Reading for pleasure is the key to life-long learning.


  • Literacy Lift Off

    Despite the stormy weather on 11 May, we were thrilled that 48 people participated in The Poetry Book workshop with Sheena Cameron and Louise Dempsey at Waitākari School.

  • The Mo Show

    Last Thursday (10 August) the CLA provided another great event for years 1-4 students.

  • Literacy Trust Awards – Canterbury Literacy Association

    The Canterbury Literacy Association wishes to advertise 9 Awards for teachers to apply to . This is open to teachers across the regions of Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough & West Coast.

  • Learnings from Inspiring the Reading and Writing ai??i?? What is critical for reluctant readers and writers?ai??i?? Dr Murray Gadd

    Wow, what an opportunity to be able to listen to someone so passionate and knowledgeable in the field of literacy. Murrayai??i??s presentation was centred around: Inspiring Reading and Writing ai??i?? What is critical for all learners? With a focus, also on the underachieving and reluctant learners.

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