Kay Hancock – Manawatu AGM Seminar
Thu 2nd Mar 2017
- Time: 3:30pm
- Venue: College St. Normal School Auditorium Palmerston North
The Manawatu Literacy Association(MLA) invites junior school teachers, leaders, and teachers who want to add excitement to their reading programme, to the Annual General Meeting Seminar with Kay Hancock.
This is a free event.
Kay has had a long association with Ready to Read, first as a teacher, then as series editor and
publishing consultant. She was a member of the advisory group involved in the Ministry of Education’s review of the Ready to Read series in 2013–14 and is currently working as a series consultant for both Ready to Read and the Junior Journal with Lift Education. Kay is passionate about the need for instructional reading materials to engage and empower students in their literacy learning.