TTLA Seminar – Languages of Literacy
Sat 18th May 2019
- Time: 9am-3pm
- Venue: Clark Road Chapel & Kamo Primary School
- Member: $70
- Non Members: $100
TTLA proudly presents two dynamic keynote speakers, your choice of an in-depth breakout session and a workshop session.
Keynote Dr. Rae Si‘ilata. Lecturer in Biliteracy, University of Auckland, in Biliteracy-Pasifika at the Faculty of Education and Social Work.
Utilising bilingual learners’ linguistic resources through translanguaging and biliteracy pedagogies.
Rae will share highlights of her PLD projects focused on the use of bilingual and additional language acquisition pedagogies. She will show how using dual language books can facilitate Pacific children’s biliteracy development and will discuss implications for Māori and bilingual learners in Tai Tokerau schools.
Keynote-Donovan Bixley – Author and Illustrator
Donovan has worked on many junior fiction books for reluctant readers, including his international award-winning “Monkey Boy”, as well as co-creating the international hit “Dinosaur Rescue” series. Donovan will talk about how he uses words and pictures in different ways to get young readers into books.