IT Coordinator’s Report 2018

It is a privilege to present this report for 2018-19 and it has been another busy one on the IT front. I hear from many regions regularly with questions or items to upload and it has been pleasing to see more and more events going up on the website.

Below is a list of positives and work-ons.


  1. NZLA Forum is now online. This is a new step for the Forum and NZLA for the value of this incredible resource. This allows you to download the whole Forum, or choose an individual article. It is a massive job to set these up correctly on the website. Tags have been implemented to identify keywords or phrases. Hopefully, with Mal’s help, we will have authors creating tags for more accurate search functions.
  2. We have achieved 100% now with using the domain email addresses. It has taken a while in the making and I acknowledge the benefit in having regional workshops as a way of connecting councils in.
  3. I have reviewed our Gmail security systems to identify ways to disrupt or block scams and spam email. I have put in place some new systems that should help. Please email me if you see a breach. Please stay vigilant in scanning over key info in an email, the email address especially.
  4. The Regional Workshops allow me to work with different councils on their immediate needs, support people directly and empower people to have confidence in the tools we have.
  5. There has been a build up of items being posted on the website, while there is still room for more, this is creating a picture to all who visit the site.
  6. The feedback I am getting from different councils is being acted on and changes to the website are happening e.g Councils can now update their own info, All awards and scholarships are now in the same place. Please keep these coming.
  7. All awards and scholarships have been moved under the one heading to make finding them easier and promote what the MCLT does for us.
  8. New support videos have been made, forwarding emails, using the calendar, Getting the most out of your web post trough Search Optimisation.




  1. The potential of creating an NZLA App. At the moment, it seems out of our budget range unless I find a different option.
  2. The Calendar still looks very empty.
  3. Creating a central base of resources for Conference Organisers, timetables, planning, timelines, trader expectations.
  4. Setting up Lil Regie as a central registration point for all conferences, we input your details, we create a rego form, add to NZLA Conference web page point information to organising council. What else can we do to take the pressure off different councils in conference year?
  5. Have almost found a simple method to bring all your old site folders across to your new account, testing for accuracy.

I’m working very hard to do things on the cheap to keep budget requirements down, and many of the above jobs do require an investment of time and a willingness to find and refine systems.

In this role being on the executive has helped a lot with feedback, improvement and knowing where to investigate next for the next step our digital presence.

Nga Mihi,

Scotty Delemare

NZLA Digital Improvements for the Website and IT Possibilities
Improve our process, taking on feedback from other organisations. Facebook, Instagram presence One stop shop for Councils organising Conferences – cutting the cost Improving practice on Forum online Being a Hub for Literacy Resources