A New Zealand Histories Resource for NZ Educators How, what, why about NZ history & The Summer Learning Journey Programme + AGM
Wed 4th Mar 2020
- Time: Wednesday 4th March 2019
- Venue: Owen Gilmore Theatre, University of Auckland Epsom Campus, N block, level 6 Room 614
- Member: Free
- Non Members: $20
A New Zealand Histories Resource for NZ Educators
Tamsin Hanly is a lecturer at The University of Auckland, in the Faculty of Education & Social Work, Maori Department. She has worked in and around Maori and mainstream education since 1986. In 2007, she completed her Masters with First Class Honours titled ‘Preparing students for bicultural relationships’. Tamsin will be presenting her curriculum programme resource for schools and teachers on New Zealand Histories. Tamsin suggests it is a critical guide to Maori and Pakeha histories of Aotearoa.
The Summer Learning Journey Programme
Dr Rachel Williamson-Dean is a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, working full-time in the field of literacy education at the Woolf Fisher Research Centre, The University of Auckland. Rachel is passionate about working with vulnerable populations to realise positive outcomes. Rachel’s current research project, The Summer Learning Journey is a multi-year national study focussing on digital literacy learning for primary school students over the holiday period.
Evidence from existing national and international literature suggests that students’ can experience a slide or slump in their literacy learning over the summer holiday period. This decrease has been termed the ‘Summer Learning Effect (SLE).’ Educators and researchers in New Zealand have come together to try and address the SLE through the introduction of a digital literacy (blogging) programme – the Summer Learning Journey (SLJ). Dr Rachel Williamson-Dean will share the insights that she and her team have gleaned over the past few years in three specific areas – programme design, implementation and evaluation.
Venue Location & Parking http://bit.ly/2RYw06O