Mon 30th Apr 2018
ALA Event with Dr Rebecca Jesson
Rebecca will speak on 'Partnerships to design more effective literacy instruction for non-dominant communities: the role of Design Based Research'.
Rebecca will speak on 'Partnerships to design more effective literacy instruction for non-dominant communities: the role of Design Based Research'.
This session will explore the benefits of reading for pleasure and the elements needed to create a collaborative school-wide reading culture, which encourages and supports students to become engaged readers. It will also look at a range of books, and ideas for using them to inspire even the most reluctant…
Auckland Literacy Association Sponsored Teacher Application – 2018
Ideas to get your literacy programme up and running
How we can support classroom teachers, Reading Recovery teachers and literacy specialists to make meaningful connections with the languages, cultures and identities of Pasifika students.
Here are the events the ALA has planned for 2017.