NZLA Service Award Policy

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The NZLA Service Award acknowledges and honours those members who provide significant service to their local council and/or NZLA


  • To recognise and acknowledge members who have provided a significant level of service to their local council and/or NZLA. 


To be eligible for the award the nominee should; 

Demonstrate outstanding service as a member for at least ten years and meet at least two of the following criteria:

  • Present at least three times, at local council events or at a national conference. 
  • Take a leadership role in organising council events or other literacy-related events including conference/seminars endorsed by the Council
  • Promote literacy or take a leadership role in literacy development for the local region.
  • Serve as a member of the NZLA executive. 


  1. The secretary will seek nominations and ensure that local councils are aware of the process and the nomination criteria (see above) prior to the Executive’s meeting in May each year.
  2. If the NZLA Executive deems that the nomination does not meet the criteria, the NZLA president will write to the president of the nominating council detailing in what way the nomination was not successful. If appropriate, this information may suggest that the submission did not include enough information on which to make a judgement and that it may be resubmitted.
  3. If the NZLA Executive accepts the nomination the NZLA president will inform the president of the relevant council immediately, who will inform the nominee if appropriate and arrange a suitable date for presentation.
  4. For a successful nominee, the national executive will prepare a certificate to be signed by the president of NZLA, and framed by the national executive. 
  5. Either the NZLA president or a member of the national executive (whoever is closest geographically) will present the award at an agreed Council event.
  6. To publicly acknowledge the prestigious nature of the award and the value of the recipient’s service:
    1. A copy of the award’s citation will be forwarded to the editor of Literacy Forum NZ for publication. 
    2. The award will be announced at the next Annual Meeting and acknowledged at the next NZLA Conference as part of the President’s welcome address. Note: this award is presented at a Council event, not at a national conference. 
    3. The name of the recipient, Council and a copy of the service award will be included in the history of NZLA document on the NZLA Website.

NZLA Service Award Policy PDF link

Reviewed June 2022