Travel Funding Policy


The nature of the association and the geographical layout of New Zealand mean that travel is a major expense for NZLA. 


  • To ensure all executive members are able to attend executive meetings, NZLA conferences, Leadership Workshops and the Annual Meeting. 
  • To ensure that NZLA is represented at the appropriate national and international meetings. 
  • To ensure that travel costs are kept to a minimum.


  1. Local councils are responsible for organising and paying travel and accommodation for Delegates and Observers to the Annual Meeting. Councils are expected to be fiscally responsible when arranging travel. 
  2. Equalisation – Total travel costs for Delegates to Annual Meeting will be equalised across ALL attending councils. Flights for delegates must be booked by 31 March each year to qualify for equalisation. 
  3. Each attendee at NZLA Leadership workshops, staying in paid motel/hotel accommodation, will be offered a $75 cash contribution to assist with accommodation costs. 
  4. Forum Editor and ICT Coordinator will be funded by NZLA to attend Annual Meeting and the NZLA conference. 
  5. The executive members, including Forum Editor and IT coordinator, will be funded by the national body to attend the Annual Meeting, NZLA National Conference, Leadership Workshops and any executive meetings held throughout the year. Travel by car to attend these meetings and conference will be funded at the current IRD mileage rate.
  6. The president, and past president or president elect, or a designee, in consultation with the executive, will be funded (registration, travel, accommodation and meals) to attend the annual ALEA conference. 
  7. The president, as president elect or as actual president, in consultation with the executive, will be funded (registration, travel, accommodation and meals) to attend the International Literacy Association conference once during their term. They will submit a proposal to present a workshop at the ILA conference. 
  8. Where a NZLA member serves on an International Literacy Association (ILA) committee travel costs and accommodation will be covered to attend, and report to, the NZLA annual meeting. 
  9. Receipts.
  10. In the case of financial hardship a regional council may apply for funding assistance for a delegate only to attend the annual meeting.  A request must be put in writing to the treasurer, with a detailed current financial report of the council, at least eight weeks before the meeting for consideration.

Travel Funding Policy PDF link

Reviewed June 2022