• Hawkes Bay

    2019 Events Calendar

    We are proud to offer affordable quality Literacy Professional Development in Hawke's Bay.

  • National

    Exec and President positions available

    Nominations are called for a Exec Member. Nominations as well for a President Elect to serve on NZLA for the next year and then take on the role of President in June 2020.

  • Tai Tokerau

    Sheena Cameron & Louise Dempsey – Increasing student talk during reading to enhance comprehension

    It was a privilege to have Sheena Cameron & Louise Dempsey come north to lead a very practical workshop

  • Waikato

    Books for Babies at Te Awamutu Birthing Centre

    50 delicately gift-wrapped children's books kindly donated by Scholastic were gifted to the Te Awamutu Birthing Centre. Committee members from Waikato Literacy Association who helped make this event possible were able to present a new book to the parents on behalf of their newborn babies. Every newborn will receive a…

  • Hawkes Bay

    2018 Events Calendar

    Here is a programme of events organised by the Hawke's Bay Literacy Association committee throughout the year. Please click on the events tab to register for upcoming events.

  • Waikato

    Message from our President

    Here's a brief introduction to our new WLA (Waikato Literacy Association) President, Sandie Haddock

  • Manawatu

    President’s Report for MLA 2018 AGM

    In 2017 we held a number of events; Term One: Our AGM was a free event held at College Street Normal School where Series Editor, Kay Hancock shared how the Ready to Read and Junior Journal series can support our literacy programmes. We hosted the annual Kidsai??i?? Lit Quiz on…

  • Manawatu

    A March update from Manawatu

    Hosting conference this year is our main priority. October 2018 will bring an exciting opportunity for all associated with the teaching profession to be inspired , challenged and informed.

  • Manawatu

    News from Manawatu

    We are welcoming the New Year with a special event which will include our AGM. Rita Palmer will present a session entitled I taught it but they didnai??i??t learn it

  • Tai Tokerau

    Presidents Report for 2017 AGM

    Tai Tokerau Literacy Association - Presidents Report for 2017

  • Auckland

    2018 Programme

    Here is a programme of events organised by the Auckland Literacy Association committee throughout the year.

  • Waiariki

    Waiariki Literacy Association Calendar of Events 2018

    Have a look at the Waiariki Literacy Association planned events for 2018. We have a great variety - and there is something to suit everyone.

  • Tai Tokerau

    TTLA present Women’s Refuge with children’s books

    TTLA present Women’s Refuge with children’s books

  • Auckland

    Membership update

    Schools can now send 5 staff members to seminars at the reduced member rate.

  • Canterbury

    The Mo Show

    Last Thursday (10 August) the CLA provided another great event for years 1-4 students.

  • Tai Tokerau

    Thanks Tai Tokerau Literacy Association For ED Books Donation

    Last week the Tai Tokerau Literacy Association (TTLA) generously donated $1000 worth of children's books to Whangarei Hospital's emergency department. ED nurse manager Margaret Dreadon and Northland DHB would like to stress gratitude for the lovely and empowering donation.

  • Auckland

    2017 ALA Sponsored Teacher Applications

    The Auckland Literacy Association offers six sponsorships for members to attend the national NZLA conference, which is being held this year at the Rototuna Junior High School in Hamilton, on Saturday 30 September 2017.

  • Tai Tokerau

    Literacy Trust Awards – Tai Tokerau Literacy Association

    The Tai Tokerau Literacy Association would like to invite you to apply for the following Awards to attend the NZLA National Conference.

  • National

    NZLA Presidents Report for AGM June 2017

    TAi??nA? koutou, tAi??nA? koutou, tAi??nA? koutouAi?? katoa. A very warm welcome to all of you attending this 2017 Annual Meeting of the New Zealand Literacy Association.Ai?? If this is the first time that you have been to our Annual Meeting, an especially warm welcome to you. This meeting gives you…